Embodiment of Irony

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Embodiment of Irony

Post by Schmoe »

Was at the UVU vs :utard: lacrosse game this week and things got a little chippy. Late in the third quarter UVU got what I would call a bogus penalty (high hit, the player was 5'6" hitting a guy who is 6'2", and he clearly got him in the shoulder, which is legal). One of the UVU fans (not me) yells at the official "You a**hole!" Now, I don't condone this, but it's a sporting event and I understand that things will slip out in the heat of the moment. Anyhow, :utard: fan starts to freak out about the use of "such language," because this is "a family game." Guess next time we should just keep it classy like they do up north and pour beer all over the opposing fans.

I'm just a regular, everyday normal guy,
I can't afford a car, I use public transportation,
I don't mind, I read till I reach my destination,
sometimes a newspaper, sometimes a book,
the money I save, this stuff is off the hook,
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