the general ute population is classless

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the general ute population is classless

Post by Y&Brit »

Unlike most schools, the majority of ute fans do have low class and low respectability. In case the majority of Ute fans see this post I'll try and use simple words.

Max went a bit too far for sure. However his response is completely in response to how he was treated along with his family last year. A small sample of what happens to plenty of fans. Utah cares about 1 game a year. BYU cares about EVERY game. I completely agree that there are great sports fans for that particular school. I have yet to sit by one. Is throwing bottles, alcohol, sex dolls, F words part of the game? Heck no! Classless and dirty. Utah is all about gimmicks, flashy things, and hippies. And I frankly don't care for any of that.

Amen Max. The mwc can reprimand me all they want-since it doesn't mean anything.

Also of note, I watched the game again, I saw 3 punches by yewt players, and 3 holds where Jersey actually is stretched, and 2 PI's by yewt receivers all of which were missed. Lots of stuff gets missed, but punches to the face? I'm just going to stop showing evidence to support Max and let his words speak.

To the minority: thanks for showing class. And when did you stop cheering for BYU?

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by Schmoe »

Amen. What Max Hall said referred to the fanbase in general, there are always exceptions to every rule.

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by gmj81 »

The bottom line is a fanbase can be defined by it's fence-sitters (the majority). They might not necessarily incite the egregious acts but if they aren't stopping it, they are just as guilty.

If somebody was threatening physical harm on some puke fan or passing around a blow-up doll of Jordan Wynn's mom and performing sexual acts on it, you better believe it would have been stopped by more than a few Y fans. But we can't expect the same courtesy from the folks up on the hill which is a shame. Obviously people on both sides are going to do stupid things. But what really defines a group is what they let go on amongst them.

A little back-and-forth banter or even heated shouting is to be expected. But anything more than that should get stopped by fans with cooler heads before someone gets a black eye (literal or figurative).

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by craigoscarson »

gmj81 wrote:The bottom line is a fanbase can be defined by it's fence-sitters (the majority). They might not necessarily incite the egregious acts but if they aren't stopping it, they are just as guilty.

If somebody was threatening physical harm on some puke fan or passing around a blow-up doll of Jordan Wynn's mom and performing sexual acts on it, you better believe it would have been stopped by more than a few Y fans. But we can't expect the same courtesy from the folks up on the hill which is a shame. Obviously people on both sides are going to do stupid things. But what really defines a group is what they let go on amongst them.

A little back-and-forth banter or even heated shouting is to be expected. But anything more than that should get stopped by fans with cooler heads before someone gets a black eye (literal or figurative).
I thought I owned the only blow-up doll of Jordan Wynn's mom.

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by tripwire »

I do not agree.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but to paint such a large population of people with such a broad brush makes no sense.
There are dumb fans on both sides, maybe Utah has more, maybe not.
But there are plenty of Utah fans who aren't classless. Last I checked the president of your church is a Utah fan.
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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by gmj81 »

First of all you just assume that I'm LDS like most Pukes do when dealing with Y fans. Because it's not possible that someone who isn't a LDS could possibly be a fan of BYU is it? In this case you just happen to assume correctly.

But the last I checked the President of my Church would have been the first to step in and rebuke anybody acting out of line were he there. And something tells me he doesn't exactly follow the program closely enough to know what goes on outside the lines. He may attend a game every now and then as an alumnus but he follows BYU more now than the pukes if for no other reason than he has to as the President of the Board of Trustees to make sure the football program falls in line with the mission of BYU and the Church.

Don't compare people who graduated from the university 60+ years ago to the ones who attend today. Things have gone way down hill up on the hill over the last half-century. What's more, I'm willing to concede and say that most Puke fans aren't even associated with the university at all. But as they play a pretty exciting brand of college football, the best sport ever, and are the arch nemesis of BYU and conversely the LDS Church, they jump on the bandwagon just to be a part of the sport and defame Mormons whenever possible.

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by Schmoe »

Max Hall was right, most U fans dropped out of high school and have had no class from that time forth.

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by blue42 »

My season tickets are in the North endzone right next to the visiting teams section and I will tell you two years ago, I had a pretty good time with a lot of the ute fans around me. We joked around and had good, fun banter and trash talking with them, but this year was completely different both in atmosphere and fans. I had never seen more obnoxious and idiotic fans in the world.

I actually like my seats because I get to visit with fans of the other teams and over the last few years most of the fans have been great, even the Wyoming fans. I think those fans who travel to see their team play are true fans of the sport and more importantly, their team. I think this is the biggest reason why a lot of the Utah fans are so bad is because they are not true fans of the sport or even their team, they are nothing more than LDS haters and the only reason they go to this game is to try to do as many disguting and rude things they can think of. Oh BTW I also saw a couple of ute fans throw their sodas towards the field after the game, but the funny thing about it was the lids on the cups came off and all the contents ending up spilling on all the rows of ute fans in front of them, but I am sure the story was told how the BYU fans were throwing their drinks on them at the end of the game.

Again in past years I have had a good time with the ute fans who have attended the game, for the most part, but it all changed when Urban d-bag Meyer came, and no it wasn't because utah starting beat the Y, but it was more of the obnoxious attitude that came along with it that really changed things.

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by CougarClaw »

When Logan went down during the game for a few minutes, the stadium got awful quiet. Except for the southeast corner of the nose bleeds where the Ute fans suddenly got loud and boisterous. While I did see some banter going back and forth between byu and Utah fans, but mostly Utah. I wasn't close enough to hear what they said..

But the timing was certainly odd. I certainly hope they were not jeering an injured opponent...but that's certainly what it seemed like to me. I hope I'm wrong.

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Re: the general ute population is classless

Post by Schmoe »

People can say that smack talk and rudeness goes on on both sides of the rivalry, and that's true. But, I've never heard anyone say that they cancelled their season tickets at LES because they were ashamed and embarrassed by their fellow fans' behavior, I've never seen a BYU fan bring a blowup doll to the game dressed as a U and pantomime gross sexual acts upon it, I haven't seen Bronco's kids dressed up as slutty U cheerleaders (or anything else making fun of the U), and I've never seen BYU kick an onside kick when they're up big. The list goes on and on, but my point is this--there are some sour grapes and bad apples in any fanbase, in BYU's they are the exception, in Utah's, they are the majority.

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